The Samwise Portfolio

the samwise model portfolios

general overview

The Samwise Portfolios are published for informational purposes only. They’re included on the site as a teaching aid to help illustrate how the Samwise Strategy can be applied in practice. We strive to include a higher risk (options portfolio) and a lower risk (common stock) portfolio each time we launch a new portfolio. Each portfolio is code named after the various noble houses appearing in George R.R. Martin’s popular book series A Song of Ice and Fire.

Samwise Model Portfolios

The portfolios below are separated by launch dates. Each portfolio is entirely independent and has no bearing on any other model portfolio. We launch entirely new portfolios during each market correction as an illustrative tool for new subscribers who weren’t present during the previous buying opportunities in the market. To date, we’ve launched four portfolios during two separate corrections.

Please login to view the Samwise Portfolio.

the model

The Samwise Portfolio is a blueprint or model that can be used as a guide to help illustrate how the Samwise Strategy & Rules of Investing can be applied in practice to produce returns in the real world. It is the standard upon which the utility of the Sam Weiss publication is judged.

The cornerstone principle of the Samwise Strategy is that we always buy on corrections and always make our purchases based on a 2-year time horizon. What’s more, as subscribers join Sam Weiss at different times, we will build separate portfolios based on the dates of various corrections. If a major correction happens next week, we’ll launch a new portfolio, make decisions and managed those assets separately from the other portfolios. That way different members could follow along based on their subscription date to the website.

Samwise Trades

Trades for the portfolio are published in our Daily Briefing at the moment they’re made. In many cases, the exact trade will be executed using the Charles Schwab ThinkorSwim Platform. In those cases, the model trades aren’t purchased through ThinkorSwim, purchases prices will be considered as executed at the asking on purchases or at the bid on sales anytime we don’t execute them directly. If we invest in a DITM leap option with an extremely wide spread, we’ll consider the trade executed at a quarter past the mid-price. Trade Alerts will be sent via e-mail or text notifications.

Portfolio Performance

As of November 10, 2024, all four of our Samwise Portfolios are up considerably since launching. We launched two portfolios in August 2024 and two in September 2024. The Arryn and Lannister Portfolios are option portfolios invested in long-term leaps. The Tyrell and Tarly Portfolios are common stock only portfolios though we do hedge those portfolios with options. New portfolios are leached during market corrections. The chart below shows each portfolio’s estimated performance since each of them launched:

Model Portfolio Risk

As these portfolios are neither balanced nor well diversified, they could hardly be consider as conservative. Conservative is a relative term and the lower risk common stock portfolios are still at the higher end of the risk spectrum as general investment guidelines on diversification and allocation requirements are concerned. All of our portfolios are highly concentrated in technology stocks to the exclusion of everything else. Important to keep that perspective here. Personally, I’ve found being heavy tech has worked well for at last four decades now, but the strategy may suffer from being overly concentrated.

That being said, we do directly hedge our portfolios and engage in active risk management where possible.

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