Samwise Model Portfolios
Sam Weiss has launched eight (8) different model portfolios to date. However, they can all really be categorized into one of two broad strategies: Trading Portfolios & Core LT Portfolios. A brief summary of those portfolios is listed in the tab below. Please read before moving ahead (click the tab):
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
The Samwise Trading Portfolios
Along with the Core LT Model Portfolios, the Sam Weiss newsletter also operates two separate trading portfolios intended to supplement each of the LT Model Portfolios. It is critically important to understand that the Trading Portfolio are incredibly high risk and only represent a tiny fraction of the Core LT Model Portfolios. Particularly to the options portfolios.
The Trading Portfolios are designed as supplementary components to the main LT Model Portfolios. For example, the Baratheon Portfolio represents a $10k allocation to each of the options portfolios, reflecting a 10% position in those primary LT Model portfolios. The Targaryen Portfolio represents a $5k allocation, reflecting a 5% position in each of those long-term models.
These portfolios employ ultra-high-risk strategies, and their smaller allocations—compared to the $100k starting capital in the main long-term portfolios—are meant to illustrate their intended purpose. The trading portfolios as a whole act as a held asset in each of the longterm portfolios.
They represent the active “trading portion” of each LT Model Portfolio. It bears repeating. The trading portfolios DO NOT WORK as a strategy unto itself. It is supplementary by nature. The trading portfolio do not adhere to the Samwise Strategy, the Samwise Rules for Investing or to our Core Investment Principles. They are not hedged nor do they employ advanced hedging strategy employed in the LT Model Portfolio. They empty the Samwise Trading Strategy.
In no way would it be wise or responsible to view the trading portfolios as anything more than a simple auxiliary portfolio and/or a small asset in the LT Model Portfolios themselves.
Current Trading Portfolios
To date, Sam Weiss has launched TWO (2) different Trading Portfolios operating different strategy which can be found on the portfolio pages. Below is a list of those trading portfolios and their launch dates. The Targaryen Portfolio was launched on November 15, 2024 with a starting capital allocation of only $5,000.00 which represents a mere 5% allocation relative to the Core LT Model Portfolios. The Baratheon Portfolio launched on December 19, 2024 with a starting capital allocation of $10,000 which represents a mere 10% allocation relative to the Core LT Model Portfolios. All trades are published live at the moment they’re made and instant notifications are sent to our subscribers via e-mail, text, twitter and push notifications in the mobile app.
Samwise Trading Portfolios & Launch Dates
1. Targaryen Portfolio launched on November 15, 2024
2. Baratheon Portfolio launched on December 19, 2024
As a reminder, the trading portfolio do not adhere to the Samwise Strategy, the Samwise Rules for Investing or to our Core Investment Principles. The trading portfolios are supplementary by nature and intended to be small individual allocations within each of the core LT Model Portfoios
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Core LT Model Portfolios
The Core LT Model Portfolios represents the newsletter’s core strategy and it’s where the lion’s share of our model’s capital is invested. It’s THE key strategy here at Sam Weiss. The only real difference between them is they each have different launch dates to give newer subscribers the opportunity to follow the strategy from beginning to end.
As such, Sam Weiss launches two brand new model portfolios each time the NASDAQ-100 (QQQ) sustains a market correction of 8-12% from a prior peak. This approach allows us to execute our strategy in real-time for all of our subscribers, regardless of when they join. Once the two new portfolios are launched, they’re here to stay. Permanently. And we continue to manage them into perpetuity.
The only difference between the two new portfolios is that one is a lower risk Common Stock Portfolio and the other is a mirror image higher risk Long-Term options portfolios. The strategy is nearly identical and both portfolio buy the same underlying stocks. It’s just that one is an options portfolio and the other is a stock portfolio.
Current Core LT Model Portfolios
To date, Sam Weiss has launched SIX (6) Core LT Model Portfolios during THREE separate corrections. Below is a list of those portfolios and their launch dates. Each long-term Model Portfolio is with launched with $100,000.00 starting capital. All trades are published live at the moment they’re made and instant notifications are sent to our subscribers via e-mail, text, twitter and push notifications in the mobile app.
Samwise LT Core Model Portfolios & Launch Dates
1. August 5, 2024: Arryn (Options) & Tarly (Stocks)
2. September 4, 2024: Lannister (Options) & Tyrell (Stocks)
3. January 1, 2025: Stark (Options) & Frey (Stocks)
As you can see above, we launched Arryn & Tarly during the July -August correction, Lannister & Tyrell during the September correction and Stark & Frey during the December – January correction.
These Core LT Model Portfolios strictly adhere to the Samwise Strategy & Samwise Rules of Investing. The portfolios are well hedged against market risk to handle a major downturn, are well diversified to hedge out company risk and are allocated to capitalize on the long-term uptrend of the stock market.
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
The Sam Weiss newsletter manages have (2) model trading portfolios based on a set of SW Trading Rules and SIX (6) Core Long-Term Portfolios that strictly adhere to the Samwise Strategy & Rules of Investing. To understand how our trades and portfolios operate, it is critically important that you read and digest the information below.
This is not the place to gloss over information. This page needs to be fully read and understood to get the most out of your Sam Weiss membership. DO NOT SKIP THIS PAGE.
The trading portfolios are viewed as 13% allocation extensions of EACH one of the Core LT Portfolio and represent a small portion of those portfolios. These portfolio are highly active with high turnover — since they are trading portfolios — while our Core LT Portfolios focus on long-term investment that only require active maintenance. A summary of the two trading portfolios are outlined below:
Targaryen portfolio ($5k to $1 million Challenge)
The Targaryen Portfolio is a high-risk, high-reward portfolio that seeks to take on the $5,000 to $1,000,000 Portfolio Challenge over a 4-year period. The Portfolio’s aim is to produce 300% per year, each year for four years. On a compounding basis, that amount to a 20,000% return over 4-years which would result in a $5,000 portfolio reaching $1 million. The $5k to $1M challenge is a high-risk high-reward trading strategy that by its very nature requires the use of extreme trading strategies to accomplish. We’re talking about a 20,000% return here.
Starting Capital: $5,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 4.3%
Launch Date: November 15, 2024
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Baratheon Portfolio (Pure Trading)
The Baratheon Portfolio Strategy is a short-term oriented trading strategy that seeks to profit on the short-term price movements of various stocks, options and other assets. The trading strategy involves both momentum and contrarian trading strategies. It follows the general rules of momentum when riding a short-term trend higher. Other times the Baratheon portfolio may choose to go long once a stock or index has become oversold in the near-term. Whenever there’s a short-term trading opportunity, the Baratheon Portfolio will seek to produce a return.
Starting Capital: $10,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 8.7%
Launch Date: December 19, 2024
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
The Core Long-Term Model Portfolios are viewed as entirely independent portfolios that share identical strategies and only different by launch date. The portfolios represent our core capital investment at 87% allocation — the Trading portfolios (above) representing the other 13% allocation. The ONLY reason we have more than ONE LT Portfolios is so to illustrate our strategy to our readers assuming different launch dates. In practice, we would only be invested in one of these portfolios. These portfolios employ a long-term buy and hold strategy — Samwise Strategy — with active risk mitigating counter-measures aimed to combat potential losses sustained in a bear market. A summary of the SIX (6) Core Long-Term Model Portfolios are outlined below:
Arryn Portfolio (LT Options Portfolio)
The Arryn Portfolio is a long-term options strategy that invests in 2-year+ expiring leap options with the goal of using high internal leverage to minimize risk and maximize returns. The foundation of the Arryn Portfolio is rooted in the Samwise Strategy and incorporates key concepts from Chapters 1-6 of our Core Investment Principles. It closely adheres to the Four (4) Part Framework, with the ultimate objective of returning 100% annually on average.
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 87%
Launch Date: August 5, 2024
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Tarly Portfolio (LT Common Stock)
The Tarly Portfolio is an ultra-long-term, common-stock strategy aimed at generating significant returns by leveraging the market’s long historical tendency to trend substantially higher over extended periods. The foundation of the Tarly Portfolio is rooted in the Samwise Strategy and incorporates key concepts from Chapters 1-6 of our Core Investment Principles. It closely adheres to the Four (4) Part Framework, with the ultimate objective of returning 20-40% annually on average.
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 87%
Launch Date: August 5, 2024
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Lannister Portfolio (LT Options Portfolio)
The Lannister Portfolio is a long-term options strategy that invests in 2-year+ expiring leap options with the goal of using high internal leverage to minimize risk and maximize returns. The foundation of the Lannister Portfolio is rooted in the Samwise Strategy and incorporates key concepts from Chapters 1-6 of our Core Investment Principles. It closely adheres to the Four (4) Part Framework, with the ultimate objective of returning 100% annually on average.
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 87%
Launch Date: September 4, 2024
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Tyrell Portfolio (LT common Stock)
The Tyrell Portfolio is an ultra-long-term, common-stock strategy aimed at generating significant returns by leveraging the market’s long historical tendency to trend substantially higher over extended periods. The foundation of the Tyrell Portfolio is rooted in the Samwise Strategy and incorporates key concepts from Chapters 1-6 of our Core Investment Principles. It closely adheres to the Four (4) Part Framework, with the ultimate objective of returning 20-40% annually on average.
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 87%
Launch Date: September 4, 2024
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Stark Portfolio (LT options)
The Stark Portfolio is a long-term options strategy that invests in 2-year+ expiring leap options with the goal of using high internal leverage to minimize risk and maximize returns. The foundation of the Stark Portfolio is rooted in the Samwise Strategy and incorporates key concepts from Chapters 1-6 of our Core Investment Principles. It closely adheres to the Four (4) Part Framework, with the ultimate objective of returning 100% annually on average.
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 87%
Launch Date: January 1, 2025
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Frey Portfolio (LT common Stock)
The Frey Portfolio is an ultra-long-term, common-stock strategy aimed at generating significant returns by leveraging the market’s long historical tendency to trend substantially higher over extended periods. The foundation of the Frey Portfolio is rooted in the Samwise Strategy and incorporates key concepts from Chapters 1-6 of our Core Investment Principles. It closely adheres to the Four (4) Part Framework, with the ultimate objective of returning 20-40% annually on average.
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Overall Capital Allocation: 87%
Launch Date: January 1, 2025
⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Why Sam Weiss Launches New Portfolios
The Samwise Model Portfolios acts as a blueprint or model that can be used as a guide to help illustrate how the Samwise Strategy & Rules of Investing can be applied in practice to produce returns in the real world. It is the standard upon which the utility of the Sam Weiss publication is judged.
Now the cornerstone principle of the Samwise Strategy is that we always we wait to make our purchases during corrections. It is a correction that kicks-off the entire process of the 4-part framework outline in the Samwise Strategy page.
Practically speaking, subscribers join Sam Weiss at different times. We have members that subscribed when the newsletter was launched back in August 2024 and we have new subscribers that have joined as recently as this past month. In order to illustrate the utility of the Samwise Strategy & Rules of Investing, we have to constantly launch new portfolios each time a corrections occurs.
There is no practical or even theoretical utility of the Arryn Portfolio launched in August 2024 to a subscriber joining in January 2025. They haven’t witnessed the process, strategy or the 4-part framework in effect. Hence the need to launch new portfolios during different corrections.
If a major correction happens next week, we’ll launch a new portfolio, make decisions and manage those assets separately from the other portfolios — that way newer members can follow along and not be limited by their subscription date.
Most open-ended hedge funds that accept new capital on a monthly basis operate in a very similar way. What many people may not realize is that within the same hedge fund, investor returns can vary widely depending on when an investor subscribes.
For example, investors who joined a particular fund in September might be up 60%, while those who invested in the same fund in November could be down 12%. That is because an investor’s returns is based on how the fund performed from the moment they joined. Not based on the fund’s current annual returns.
A skilled fund manager focuses on building a well-hedged strategy that aims to deliver strong, long-term returns for all investors over time. This puts the onus on fund managers to perform at a consistently high level. While it may be impressive for a hedge fund to return 30% annually, it’s even more remarkable when the fund can generate positive returns for all of its investors — regardless of when they joined.
Fund managers are always under pressure to perform, ensuring that every investor benefits from their strategy, not just those who got in early. The Sam Weiss newsletter operates no differently. Our Samwise Model Portfolios are held to the same high standards of continued performance as those placed on any well managed fund. We launch new model portfolios during every market correction with the goal of illustrating how our strategy delivers in practice across multiple portfolios, market environments and time frames.
Trade Execution
Trades for the portfolio are published in our Daily Briefing at the moment they’re made. We also generally publish a separate blog post to act as a permanently timestamped article as evidence of the trade by execution time. The trade alert follows almost instantly via e-mail the moment the post is published and we send out text alerts right after.
In many cases, the exact trade will be executed using the Charles Schwab ThinkorSwim Platform to ensure they go through in real time.
When the model portfolio trades aren’t purchased through ThinkorSwim, purchases prices will be considered as executed at or near the asking on purchases or at or near the bid on sales anytime we don’t execute them directly. If we invest in a DITM leap option with an extremely wide bid/ask spread, we’ll consider the trade executed at a quarter past the mid-price. Trade Alerts will be sent via e-mail, text and push (mobile app) notifications.
Trade Alerts
Subscribers to Sam Weiss can follow the Model Portfolio Trades via e-mail, twitter, text or push notification by visiting the Notification Center. We send out a general tweet after we make the trade indicating that a trade has been executed in the Model Portfolios. We also send out a text alert for those hwo have signed up to receive texts and also send out a push alert for those who have installed the iOS or Android Sam Weiss Mobile App.
Portfolio Performance
As of November 10, 2024, all four of our Samwise Portfolios are up considerably since launching. We launched two portfolios in August 2024 and two in September 2024. The Arryn and Lannister Portfolios are option portfolios invested in long-term leaps. The Tyrell and Tarly Portfolios are common stock only portfolios though we do hedge those portfolios with options. New portfolios are leached during market corrections. The chart below shows each portfolio’s estimated performance since each of them launched:

⚠ Disclaimer: The Samwise Portfolios are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All investments involve risk, and there is no guarantee of profit or protection against loss. Past performance does not indicate future results. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making investment decisions.
Model Portfolio Risk
As these portfolios are neither balanced nor well diversified, they could hardly be viewed as conservative. Conservative is a relative term and the lower risk common stock portfolios are still at the higher end of the risk spectrum as general investment guidelines on diversification and allocation requirements are concerned. All of our portfolios are highly concentrated in technology stocks to the exclusion of everything else. It’s important to keep that perspective here.
While being heavy tech has worked well for at last four decades, that can change at any moment as seen in the dot-com collapse of 2000 and the strategy may suffer from being overly concentrated. That being said, we do directly hedge our portfolios and engage in active risk management where possible. Our portfolios have effective hedged out market risk using put options and are well positioned to weather a bear market.